Make a fresh start in 2021
Many of us have barriers that hold us back. They show up as quiet, fleeting inner voices that are almost imperceptible, yet they have a powerful hold on us, creating suffering.
The Buddha said, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”
It’s this suffering that prevents us from being most vibrant and successful.
You probably have a barrier if, in any area of your life, you:
Hesitate to speak up and later wish you had
Speak up too much, feeling you have to prove yourself
Aren’t as successful as you know you could be
Wish you had more confidence
Don’t stand up for yourself and you wonder why
Think you need to do it all and hesitate to ask for help
Feel envious of other people
Have body image issues - are critical of your body
If any of these ring true, there is a powerful, simple formula to stop the struggle.
Join me for a 2-part workshop, where you'll identify your barriers and dismantle them. You’ll then identify what you want and will create new habits and new exciting realities for yourself.
You’ll have a much greater sense of ease and freedom, because you will act from your inner truth - without limitation.
Workshop Dates: Tuesdays January 12th and 19th on Zoom 7-8pm ET. It’s important to attend both sessions.
Please bring a journal and pen.
A small fee of $44 reserves your place and confirms your commitment to attend. Because this is a challenging time, two free scholarships will be offered.
Register by January 10th here.
Contact me at 774-286-9964 or with any questions or to request one of the free scholarships. Space is limited
This is an inclusive event, all genders are welcome and appreciated!
Loving Support
If you'd like support in a warm sanctuary experience to build strength, presence, self-love, and self-compassion, while participating in healing group meditations, we'd love you to join our community for our twice monthly mentorship group Zoom sessions. Our next session is December 21st at 7pm ET. Here's a link to register to join us.
Our community's goal is to to return to self-love and to truly stand in our power. To live a rich, inspired, and meaningful life. To be embraced in a heart-centered way and to receive inspiring and sustained support in our journey.
We will help you align with and access your greatest source of wisdom and strength to heal your heart and fully radiate your light. We are a supportive and caring community, founded in love, that offers a container for your growth, healing, and awakening. We always focus on what's important and relevant for our group members.
Please forward this note to any friends or family members whom you think would benefit from being in our community.