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Slowing Down to Integrate

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Perhaps your summer was off to a quick start, with lots of activity, and now you find yourself with a little more time, and maybe even feeling like things have slowed too much. Maybe, in the midst of this, you notice a quiet inner yearning to integrate what you've already experienced this summer. If so, you're not alone. I'm right there with you.

These slower periods may seem like wasted time, after all that activity. However, in my experience, these are times of important integration, learning, and insight. This integration is essential for the development and maturation of our bodies and minds.

Through this process we allow our experiences to sink deeply within and we expand the wisdom of both mind and body. This inner process creates an interesting and rich life, filled with continuous development, awareness about how we are growing, and new mastery in making powerful choices about how we show up each day for the various roles we play.

As Mary Oliver wrote, "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

How will you experience life's deep richness and joy?

Filling our lives with too much activity can help us feel like we're living a full life, however, it's really the slower integration periods that create fullness in life.

Our fascinating inner self can be easy to miss or overlook, yet it's our rich inner landscape that compliments our outer activities and provides a truly deep and full life.

Just as skilled artisans apply resin to their paintings, enriching the hues and creating a captivating sheen, our integration practices, down-time, reflection on our learnings, and even meditation act as the potent "binding agent" of our lives. They meld our experiences, emotions, and newfound wisdom into a strong inner core, intensifying the vibrancy of our existence and making life fascinating.

If you're interested in exploring your own incredible depth and the power of integration and reflection, join me for one or both of these offerings:

  • On-going bi-weekly Shine Meditation Circle, or

  • Upcoming 13-month Sophia Circle Journey™

These are experiences enable you to embody your Higher Self, and live a deep, rich and fascinating life.

To learn more, visit this page.

Wishing you many, many blessings!


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