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Reclaiming Meaning

This week I received an email titled, Happy and Sad News, from a woman (we'll call her Pam) in our community. She was writing to tell me the happy news that she had a new exciting job and the sad news that the job would require her to leave our community.

Pam had told our group that when new management joined her workplace, she started feeling extremely anxious and she couldn't understand why. Yet through her meditation practice, she was able to check in with her body and realize that the new management style was similar to the harsh and critical parenting style she endured as a child. She understood that she needed to take a leave because she was at risk of experiencing severe anxiety.

She continued the process of listening inwardly to understand what she needed to do and she realized she wanted to look for a job in counseling to use her degree to help others. She quickly lined up interviews and within a couple weeks received her dream job offer!

Here's Pam's story, "Mindfulness was a challenge for me because I was taught to hate my body, so it was hard to breathe deeply. Meditation helped me notice my thoughts because I've learned you can't change a thought until you can identify it. After consistent meditation, I was able to pinpoint the thoughts that caused me to feel so much shame and challenge them. No matter what I accomplished as an adult, the childhood shame was still buried underneath. Meditation helped me sort through all the shame. I think the biggest help for me was when you gave me permission to do what felt good for MY body.

We are such complex beings and knowing that our needs change minute to minute gave me permission to change how I responded minute to minute to it. Now I can take deep breaths and not feel body hate.

It feels magical, one day the emotional pain is there and the next day I notice it is gone. I am so happy to be able to have days without it and enjoy bliss like I have never enjoyed before. I learned I was putting all my energy into covering up my shame. Now I know I am here to help others with their suffering and finally my life has meaning again!"

If you are looking for a sanctuary to help you transform something in your life, I invite you to join our community for on-going support on your journey. During our twice monthly, 1-hour zoom meetings, we reset our nervous systems and gain a deeper connection to our innate wisdom, through discussion and meditation, and we leave with new clarity. A weight is lifted from our shoulders and we feel stronger in the face of adversity.

Members of our community report these benefits:

  • I'm able to see situations more clearly

  • I can reduce stress and tension throughout the day

  • I'm better with my family

  • I now make the best decisions

  • I feel less stressed and anxious

Our sanctuary doors are open and we welcome you with open arms. Register here.



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